After a DUI arrest, you may want to just put the whole thing behind you as quickly as possible and move on with your life. However, if you have a DUI court date tomorrow morning at the Atlanta Municipal Court, you have to act fast. There are two reasons you need to act quickly after a DUI arrest. The first is so that you can have an attorney represent you before the court, to ensure you are treated fairly. The second reason is that if you don't send a letter to the Department of Driver Services within 10 days of your arrest, your license will be automatically suspended.

A DUI arrest does not result in fines, DUI school, higher insurance, and possible jail time. Only a conviction for a DUI will lead to those penalties. It isn't the police who determine whether you'll have a criminal record, it is up to the court system. If you want to make sure you don't end up with a DUI on your criminal record, make sure that you win your case in court.

Most people are unfamiliar with criminal court proceedings, and it can be daunting to show up to court for the first time. If you have an experienced Atlanta DUI lawyer, they will be able to explain the whole process, and what you should expect. In most cases, they can go to court for you, so you don't have to take a vacation day from your job to sit around waiting all day in court.

It isn't fair that you have to face a criminal court hearing alone, when the police and prosecutors are teaming up against you. But if you do decide to show up tomorrow to court without a DUI lawyer, then it is important to be prepared for your court hearing. Don't just show up and wing it and expect things to go your way. Take some time to gather all the relevant material, go over it a couple times, and plan out what you are going to say ahead of time.

Atlanta DUI Court Proceedings

Before you go to court tomorrow, make sure you're going to the right courthouse. Map out your route, and add extra time for any unexpected delays like traffic or ending up behind a school bus. You will have to add in time to look for parking, and the time to walk to the courthouse. There is usually a line to get through security first thing in the morning, so take that into account. Once inside, find your courtroom, and settle in. You may end up waiting a while. In some cases, where the court is too busy, your case may not be called, and you'll have to come back and do it all over again another day.

Dress professionally and properly. The judge may not think you are taking the court hearing seriously if you show up in a t-shirt and shorts. You should try and avoid wearing overly revealing clothing. If you don't have a suit or professional clothing, make sure you look as neat and tidy as you can. Along with this, it is important to be respectful to the court employees and judges. Even if you think you aren't being treated fairly, yelling or being rude to the court will not gain you any favor. Court can be a stressful occasion for everyone involved, so try and remain calm and collected.

Atlanta Criminal Court DUI Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been arrested for driving under the influence in Atlanta, please contact an experienced, local Atlanta DUI lawyer. There are stiff consequences and penalties associated with a DUI conviction, which you need to understand before you decide to show up to court on your own. As an experienced Atlanta DUI lawyer, I will make sure you don't have to go through this all alone. Call me today, so I can fight the criminal charges against you, to make sure you are treated fairly by the courts.